The Case For A Paperless World


Producing paper is expensive not only because we always need more trees to cut (which in most cases are cultivated for that purpose), but because the process requires a lot of energy, water and chemicals.

Recycling saves a ton of energy, but we still need lots of water and chemicals. Moreover, paper happens to be quite heavy, and moving it across the world requires a lot of energy – typically oil. For no reason other than our entertainment/education/whatever.

But it’s 2012 (almost 2013) and technology has evolved and you can get an excellent e-ink book reader for around €70.

So we must get over it and stop complaining about how ebooks don’t feel the same as a dead tree under our fingers. It’s time to move on, and try to get rid of CDs and DVDs as well while on the way.

Personally, I’ve gone full-digital since December 2010 for books when my sister gave a Kindle as a gift. Funnily, I’ve never read so much in my life. The only paper publication I can’t yet abandon is Technology Review, but it’s only a matter of time. I’m positive that once my current subscription ends in 2014, I’ll have a good way to consume it in digital form – or at least I hope so.

Photo by Jonathan Joseph Bondhus.


