Category: Development

  • @font-face: A Small Revolution

    I just used the @font-face CSS rule to change the font of this website and use a nicer one: Open Sans. @font-face is supported by all modern desktop browsers, including IE (since version 5.5!). The stock Android browser also supports it, but I have no idea about iOS or Windows Phone. How does it work?…

  • Achievement Unlocked: 10k Downloads

    Today Folder Downloader for Dropbox hit 10k downloads*. It’s nothing spectacular, obviously, but it’s a good result to reach in less than 4 months with no advertising for such a niche application. This, BTW, makes it even clearer how good centralized stores are for distributing software. A weird fact I’ve noticed is that for apps…

  • Adaptive Layout With CSS Media Queries

    I’ve been playing a bit with CSS3 Media Queries to get this blog’s layout adaptive. I’m not going into the details because I used a trial-and-error process and I’m not yet 100% sure everything works. I considered these aspects: the sidebar with the bio, archives and so on is of least importance, so it’s hidden…

  • My First Android App

    I just published my first Android app: Folder Downloader for Dropbox. The name should describe it pretty well. As it happens most of the time, I scratched my own itch. This is my very first attempt at Android development. My verdict: it sucks. Not my app, Android development. Perhaps my app sucks as well, but…

  • Azure Table Storage Performance Considerations

    I’m going to keep my tech-oriented posts away from here. “I started working with Windows Azure in late 2009, when it wasn’t even RTM. It took a good deal of effort to become good at understanding Azure storage usage paradigms and how to get the best performance.” Read the full post on