Category: Internet

  • Social Media Metrics

    The Sad Announcement generated the following social media (re)actions: So, a total of 37 “shares”, distributed like this: 78% on Twitter 22% on Google+ 0% on Facebook. We ought to think about that.

  • Once Again, Thanks Google!

    Previous installments: 17 March 2011, 150th anniversary of Italy’s unification 2 June 2011, Republic fest

  • Adaptive Layout With CSS Media Queries

    I’ve been playing a bit with CSS3 Media Queries to get this blog’s layout adaptive. I’m not going into the details because I used a trial-and-error process and I’m not yet 100% sure everything works. I considered these aspects: the sidebar with the bio, archives and so on is of least importance, so it’s hidden…

  • Moved From Posterous To Self-hosted WordPress

    Here is what I did. Get WordPress up and running: I’m sort of used to this, so no big deal. I even wrote a theme from scratch (still WIP though). Setup a temporary URL for the new WordPress blog (a subdomain). Import posts from Posterous: I did this manually, but there were only 64. The…

  • Ads From The Past Millennium

    Despite all modern browsers have popup-blocking features, AOL decided to advertise their browser toolbar* promoting specifically popup-blocking. On TechCrunch. Have these guys been living under a rock for the past 5 years? *) I have no idea what are the toolbar’s features, but I’m pretty sure it’s useless, bloated and quite possibly dangerous for your…