Category: Writing

  • WIP Novella: Fire In The Woods

    I’ve had this story in the WIP pile for a while, since May 2014 in fact. So, how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods? OK, that was a little far-fetched. What I mean is, how can I develop it in a better…

  • How Much Does It Cost To Self-publish A Book?

    Branch Off is the second novel that I self-publish and it’s time to do some math. The question is, how much does it cost to self-publish a book? And with self-publish I mean doing everything yourself, except those things that it makes sense to outsource. Well, duh. First things first: you can do a lot…

  • Indie Book Marketing

    I’ve read tons of stuff about what indie authors should do to promote their books, and it all boils down to these two contrasting views (yes, I’m good at synthesizing concepts): spend your life on social networks (defined broadly) trying to build a marketing platform to engage with readers (build a conversation) keep writing and…

  • Branch Off Available for Pre-order on Kindle

    Branch Off is available for pre-order on Amazon Kindle! The official release date is March 20th, 2015. Enjoy, and go click on the cute little Pre-order with 1 Click button.

  • Branch Off Cover

    This is a not-so-unfinished-draft of the cover for Branch Off. It also means I’ve settled on that title, which I reckon is no longer provisional. As usual, I designed it myself, and I’m reasonably proud about it. I think it has that nice hint of Seventies’ feeling into it, with plain colors and stylized graphics, which…