And That’s Why Yahoo! Is Becoming Irrelevant

Try asking a teenager if he/she knows Yahoo! and what they do (or used to do).

Truth is, the only relevant product in Yahoo!’s portfolio is Flickr and even that is becoming obsolete. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Yahoo! is selling Flickr to – say – Facebook or Google. It wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I’m a Flickr user. I like it, it works well, and I’ve always been happy to pay 25$ a year for the Pro membership. Now I’m starting to question it, especially if on an Android tablet I get this:

Flickr Mobile Website

If I click on the “Download Flickr now!” button, I get this:

Flickr App on Google Play


I already use the native app on my Android phone, with the exact same OS version as the tablet. Now, I don’t necessarily need an app optimized for tablets, although it would nice to have, but at least give me the same app I have on the phone! That should be trivial.



