
  • #flashfiction: Even Now

    #flashfiction: Even Now

    She was there for me. She has always been there for me, even when I wasn’t there for myself. Even now. I’ve never been good at talking. I’ve known that all along. I’m a good listener and bad talker. Bad talker, yeah, that’s something, isn’t it? At least I’m good at being bad at something.…

  • Free Weekend!

    Free Weekend!

    To celebrate the beginning of the wonderful year ahead, I decided to make all my sci-fi stories free on Amazon Kindle for this weekend. Enjoy!

  • And Maybe This Is Why I Write

    And Maybe This Is Why I Write

    There’s something we humans all share, even in our huge diversity: we need to have a place that makes us feel at home. It doesn’t have to be a physical place. Maybe it’s just an idea, a concept. A tiny personal ritual. A person, or a pet. A song, or a photograph. But we all…

  • La percezione equivoca

    La percezione equivoca

    Hello, Italian friends! I come in peace! You’re used to me writing in English, but this time I wrote something in Italian. Enter La percezione equivoca. It’s a self-published collection of short stories and flash fiction that I and three friends put together over the past few months. The theme is how we (fail to)…

  • Places For Working And Writing

    Places For Working And Writing

    “But you can work from anywhere, right? With the web and email and Skype.” Well. I could work from the middle of the Gobi desert. There’s nothing preventing me, that’s true, but it doesn’t mean that I can. Most of us just don’t function like that. Most of us need to get in the zone,…